(415) 635-1007 * EIN #83-1459701
Are you a pet owner in need of a little free dog training help? Pet owners experiencing housing challenges are welcome to join FBB professional dog trainers at our monthly Food 4 Paws locations. If you are unable to attend, please scroll down for helpful training links.
Creating a Great Relationship With Your Dog
10 Ways to Improve You & Your Dog's Behavioral Relationship
Want Your Dog to Listen? Stop Doing This!
Socialization (puppy & adult)
Sacramento SPCA Puppy Socialization
Marin Humane Society Puppy Socialization
San Francisco SPCA Puppy Socialization
Dog and Cat Introductions
Senior Dogs
House Training
How to Train Your Dog or Puppy
Separation Related Distress and Anxiety
Sacramento SPCA Separation Anxiety
Sacramento SPCA Separation Anxiety Prevention
Marin Humane Society Separation Anxiety
San Francisco SPCA Alone Time Training Game
Humane Society - Does Your Dog Freak Out When You Leave?
What Your Dog’s Body Language is Communicating
Marin Humane Society - Speaking Dog!
ASPCA Pro - Canine Body Language
Aggression in Dogs
Marin Humane Society - Aggression in Dogs: An Overview
San Francisco SPCA - Dog Aggression Toward People
San Francisco SPCA - Dog-Dog Aggression ON Leash
San Francisco SPCA - Dog-Dog Aggression OFF Leash
Canine Behavior Associates - Overly Excitable Dogs
Fearful Dogs
Sacramento SPCA - Fearful Dogs
San Francisco SPCA - Fearful Behavior
I Speak Dog - Fear and Anxiety
Fleas & Ticks
San Francisco SPCA Pet Health - Fleas
San Francisco SPCA Pet Health - Ticks
Human Society - Getting a Tick Off Your Dog
Home Insurance
The Ultimate Guide to Home Insurance for Dog Owners
Sacramento SPCA Puppy Play Biting
Sacramento SPCA - Enrichment for Dogs
Humane Society - Stop Your Dog From Chewing
Marin Humane Society - Bark management & Reduction
San Francisco SPCA - Teach the Quiet Cue
Humane Society - How to Get Your Dog to Stop Barking
Recall aka Coming When Called
Marin Humane Society - Come When Called
Marin Humane Society - Come When Called (Spanish)
Dog-Dog Introductions
Sacramento SPCA - Dog to Dog Introductions
San Francisco SPCA - Dog to Dog Introductions
Human Society - Introducing New Dogs
Jumping Up
Marin Humane Society - Jumping Up
Marin Humane Society - Jumping Up (Spanish)
San Francisco SPCA - Attention Seeking
Humane Society - Stop Your Dog From Jumping
Food and Resource Guarding
San Francisco SPCA - Resource Guarding
Over-Reacting to Others When Walking On-Lead
San Francisco SPCA - On Leash Help
Crate Training
Marin Humane Society - Crate Training
Marin Humane Society - Crate Training (Spanish)
San Francisco SPCA - Crate Training Adult Dogs
San Francisco SPCA - Crate Training Puppies
Humane Society - Crate Training 101
Keeping Dogs Safe in the Heat
Coping With the Death of a Pet
Teaching "Down"
Marin Humane Society - Echate (Spanish)
Teaching "Drop It"
Teaching 'Find It"
Teaching 'Leave It"
Marin Humane Society - Leave It
Marin Humane Society - Leave It (Spanish)
Teaching "Go To Mat/Bed"
San Francisco SPCA - Go To Your Bed
Teaching "Sit"
The Pet Rescue Resource - Teaching Sit
Teaching "Stay"
Teaching "Wait"
Teaching "Stand"
Teaching Hand Touch/Targeting
Name Game/Watch Me
Marin Humane Society - Attention
Marin Humane Society - Atencion (Spanish)
Teaching Loose Leash Walking
Humane Dog Training Advocates - Teaching Your Dog to Walk By Your Side
Marin Humane Society - Walking With Your Dog
San Francisco SPCA - Loose Leash Walking
Dee's Dogs - Lets Go For A Walk
Play - Tug & Retrieve
Marin Humane Society - Playing Tug & Retrieving Games
The Pet Rescue Resource - Muzzle Training
Picture Guide to Muzzle Training
Car Safety from our friend Natalie
How To Keep Your Pets Safe While Driving
Kids & Dogs
Foods to Avoid
Humane Dog Training Advocates - Online Dog Training