(415) 635-1007 * EIN #83-1459701
In 2015, the City and County of San Francisco launched a six-month pilot program on Mission Street called the Navigation Center. Wildly successful, the multi-bed shelter had an innovative approach to helping people navigate their pathway to ending homelessness.
The Navigation Center was different because it reduced previous sheltering obstacles and allowed people to enter the program with their partners and pets.
Offering care without conditions, FBB is proud to have provided full services to seven Navigation Centers housing people and their beloved pets, including the new 65-bed Taimon Booton Navigation Center which supports people who identify as transgender, intersex and gender nonconforming.
Pet owners working hard to prevent and end their homelessness can count on FBB to provide FREE licensed veterinary care, certified professional dog training, pet food, leashes, collars, harnesses, and winter dog coats. And our expert Mobile Pet Care Team does it all with compassion and respect.